Saturday, September 20, 2008


Friends, the beauty of the Homeopathic Memory Enhancement Programme offered at Dr.Jayesh V. Sanghvi's Nature Clinic is that, it has been specially nurtured and designed to help you, the school and college students, study and remember much better.

This programme is helpful to all students, of any age. Greater importance remains for those of appearing for the Boards, University of Competitive Exams, as for them "Every Extra mark scored Counts".After years of clinical work and research, our specially developed approach to Homeopathic meditation for memory; works as subtle as meditation, in a very natural, simple, easy yet effective way, to enhance your mental powers. Everybody can practice this programme easily as all it requires to take a dose or two of sweet Homeopathic pills everyday, making it a much simpler process as compared to other memory techniques".

The ProgrammeBasically it consists of a very - specialised form of Homeopathic meditation that helps you in any or all of the following ways:

Improves memory the retaining & recalling capacity.

Increases concentration span, helping remember faster.

Often develops interest in subjects disliked earlier.Reduces brain fag, helping study longer hours.

Helps overcome exam-time anxieties, fears or nervousness.

The following are optional procedures, would enhance your performance further:

On The Exam Day, a Special Procedure - Boosts mental & physical energy levels, reduces fears & nervousness, helps easier memory recall; and ultimately helps perform better.

The Meditation Technique - Consists of self-relaxation, auto visualization & autosuggestions, highly simplified for easy practice, formatted help to awaken the dormant positive powers of the human mind.


Dr. Sanghavi developed the basic concept during his medical college days in the late 1970's out of sheer adventurism and enthusiasm, beginning with self-experimentation. Encouraged by the results, and further so his coming across a book by a 19th century French Homeopath who treated human nature; he clinically worked on it for the next ten years, fine turning and simplifying the medication and procedure, which has now been bringing highly positive results.


1 to 3 years for better results, depending on the child's response. Preferably for 2 years before Board-exam's.

Minor improvement in the memory, concentration etc., sets in within 6-months of the course.

Treatment commenced even a few months or weeks before the exams, will benefit someway or the other, reducing fears, nervousness etc.

With the strength and power of this programme, you can expect a better academic performance that could change your very life and future for the best.

At Dr.JVS's Nature Clinic we care for both your improvement and achievement.




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