Saturday, August 28, 2010

Are you sure you really understand the concept of Wellness??

Just answer yourself these questions..
  •  Do you feel that you are doing all that is necessary to be Mentally & Physically healthy?
  •  Do you consider your lifestyle healthy just because you are pumping yourself full of vitamins, calcium and minerals?
  •  And yet, are you surprised at the fact that you tire out sometimes and don’t always feel in the pink of health?

Are you sure you really understand the concept of Wellness?

Wellness is about living life to its fullest potential.. Wellness is a comprehensive & proactive approach to the Health & Happiness of the  Mind, Body & Soul..

This approach recognizes that these three-health's (mind, body, spirit) are inter-twined and overall health suffers if even one of these  isn't healthy.. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

What really is this 'Wellness'??

Wellness is for everyone. There are no prerequisites to Wellness.. It is not about just being strong, or muscular or  just disease-free!! One can be 'Well' & yet be old or be nervous & anxious when going through trials, or even be physically impaired! Wellness has nothing to do with our so-called 'Imperfections'.

As a matter of fact, its never late to be 'Well'. No matter which state or stage of life we are in, we can always begin to love, appreciate & respect ourselves today..  Once we accept our now, we start growing for the better and thus find ourselves living a much happier life & with great health, both physically & emotionally.

Thus, Wellness is about learning to love & accept oneself - our whole self, as we are today & where we are today. I strongly believe that acceptance is the key, that can unlock the treasure of a wonderful life. Wellness is thus, about being proactive, taking full controls of our lives, and channelling our energies to transcend us to higher levels . It is about the choices we make.

In short, it is about Us..!!